Natural Food Allergy Treatment

Food allergies are rising rapidly in America. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, children’s food allergies increased by 50 percent between 1997 and 2011. Research now shows that 1 in every 13 children suffers from a food allergy (roughly two per school classroom). Of those children, 30 percent are allergic to multiple food items.1

Up until recently, people with food allergies were simply told to avoid trigger foods, but this can be difficult—especially when common allergens lurk in many unsuspecting places (think soy and gluten in some deli meats and milk proteins in various brands of root beer). And there’s also the challenge of trying to get important nutrients and food variety when you can only eat certain things.

Fortunately, there’s now hope thanks to a natural food allergy treatment known as sublingual immunotherapy. Sublingual immunotherapy starts with liquid drops containing all-natural food antigens suspended in a saline solution. The drops are dispensed under the tongue daily where they are absorbed into the bloodstream. Over time, the body may become desensitized to allergy-causing foods, allowing people to eat more of what they want without fear of reactions.

This sublingual immunotherapy alternative allergy treatment is effective for wheat, egg, milk, soy, and tree nut allergy treatment as well as for dozens of other common food allergens. Physicians interested in helping their patients’ food allergies can order our turnkey naturopathic food allergy treatment program.

Physicians: Getting Started

Treatment starts with a brief allergy skin test. If your patients qualify for treatment, you can prescribe sublingual immunotherapy through a compounding pharmacy. We provide you with all of the supplies and training needed to test your food-allergic patients and treat them with allergy drops. Testing is simple and usually requires less than 30 minutes per patient. Training includes all the information that you will need for diagnosing, billing, patient education, marketing, and more.

1 Food Allergy Research and Education