Allergy Relief and Symptom Information

Sublingual immunotherapy allergy treatment information.
Can I Afford Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)?

Can I Afford Sublingual Immunotherapy (SLIT)?

While most insurance companies cover allergy testing as well as initial and follow-up visits with your allergy doctor, some of them are restrictive about the type of allergy immunotherapy that they will cover. While most will cover allergy shots (also known as...

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Is This a Food Allergy?  Or Just an Intolerance?

Is This a Food Allergy? Or Just an Intolerance?

Food should be enjoyed, so why does eating make your gut miserable at times? And what’s going on in your body that is making you feel this way? Maybe you have nausea, cramping, stomach pain, or heartburn after you eat certain foods. The trouble is, those can be...

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Is this Reflux?  Or Eosinophilic Esophagitis?

Is this Reflux? Or Eosinophilic Esophagitis?

Heartburn. Chest pain. Trouble swallowing. All symptoms of reflux. But a growing number of people are realizing that there’s something else behind their reflux-like symptoms: an allergic/immune condition known as eosinophilic esophagitis (EoE). EoE wasn’t officially...

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Protect Yourself from Allergic Reactions to Poison Ivy

Protect Yourself from Allergic Reactions to Poison Ivy

With the weather heating up, it’s time to head outside. There’s spring yard work to be done and plenty of nature to discover. If it’s warm enough, you may be able to pull on a pair of shorts for your outdoor venture, but don’t let your guard down. You could come into...

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5 Things You May Not Know About AllergyEasy

5 Things You May Not Know About AllergyEasy

Prior to starting AllergyEasy in 1995, I worked as a primary care physician and allergist in my own private practice. With 20% of the population affected by allergies, I frequently saw patients whose quality of life was diminished by allergic disease. My choices for...

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Am I Allergic to my Clothing?

Am I Allergic to my Clothing?

You pull on a new pair of blue jeans. They look great, but they don’t feel that way. The skin underneath them starts to get hot and itchy. What’s going on? You might have textile dermatitis, a form of contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis occurs when allergens come...

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Natural Medicine Is Having a Moment. Here’s Why.

Natural Medicine Is Having a Moment. Here’s Why.

Think alternative approaches to medicine like acupuncture and herbalism are the domain of hippies and beatniks? Think again! While these therapies were once thought of as fringe, they are now embraced by large numbers of Americans. According to research released...

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Will I Outgrow my Allergies?

Will I Outgrow my Allergies?

Allergies are common in kids, and there’s a prevailing belief that they will outgrow them. While this may be true in some cases, it’s patently false in others. In this article, we’ll take a look at different types of allergy and whether or not aging will affect them...

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Why Does my Child Keep Getting Ear Infections?

Why Does my Child Keep Getting Ear Infections?

You know the signs…your child is fussy, sleepless, running a fever, and possibly tugging at their ears. Another ear infection! So why does your child keep getting these infections? And what can be done to stop the cycle? Understanding Ear Infections Let’s back up and...

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Will Freezing Temperatures Save Me From my Allergies?

Will Freezing Temperatures Save Me From my Allergies?

You survived ragweed season. You deserve the allergy relief that cold temperatures will bring. But how cold does it have to get before the pollens die off and you can breathe easily? Here’s a quick look at freeze thresholds: Light freeze: 32° to 29° F Moderate freeze:...

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Boost Business for Your Pediatric Practice

Boost Business for Your Pediatric Practice

Many pediatric medical practices took a beating during COVID as patients stayed away for a variety of reasons. Many families reasoned that they could skip things like their annual well-child visit or live with irritations like warts or eczema to minimize exposure to...

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