Allergy Relief and Symptom Information

Sublingual immunotherapy allergy treatment information.
Mountain Cedar Strikes Again

Mountain Cedar Strikes Again

If you’re from Texas, you know about the infamous mountain cedar tree. It strikes fear in the hearts of allergic people living in or around the central part of the state. Mountain cedar typically pollinates in December, January and February, and it is singular in its...

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Is Fatigue an Allergy Symptom?

Is Fatigue an Allergy Symptom?

As we head into fall, there are all kinds of illnesses going around—COVID-19, colds, flu and seasonal allergies. Fatigue can be a symptom of all of the above. Why do allergies cause fatigue? When most people think of allergies, they think of hay fever—not fatigue. And...

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Vitamin D:  Can it Help with COVID-19… and Allergies?

Vitamin D: Can it Help with COVID-19… and Allergies?

When you think of vitamin D, you probably think of its most famous health role: making strong bones. Indeed, vitamin D increases your body’s ability to absorb calcium and phosphorus, both of which are essential for bone health. But Vitamin D can do much more,...

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9 Ways to Make More Money as a Primary Care Physician

9 Ways to Make More Money as a Primary Care Physician

According to the 2019 Medscape Physician Compensation Report, the three lowest paid physician specialties are as follows: Pediatrics ($225,000 per year) Family medicine ($231,000 per year) Public health and preventive medicine ($209,000) If you’re trying to get ahead...

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Allergic to Your Pet?

Allergic to Your Pet?

The novel coronavirus has inspired a dramatic increase in pet fostering and adoption, which is great news for animal shelters and animals alike. People who are now at home for extended amounts of time are anxious for the companionship of furry friends and now have the...

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5 Celebrities with Allergies

5 Celebrities with Allergies

Over my years of private practice, I picked up this motto: allergies may not affect the quantity of life, but they sure can affect the quality of life. Many of the people who came into my office were not living their best life—far from it, in fact—because their...

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Bee Pollen: Does it Really Work for Allergies?

Bee Pollen: Does it Really Work for Allergies?

Have you heard the buzz about bee pollen? It has been touted by the likes of Kourtney Kardashian, Gwyneth Paltrow and Meghan Markle for its nutritional benefits. Victoria Beckham swears by it, saying that it helps keep her wrinkles at bay. To be sure, bee pollen is a...

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Peanut Allergies

Peanut Allergies

Some allergies are irritating, but peanut allergies can go far beyond just a nuisance. Peanuts, along with tree nuts and shellfish, are the foods that are most likely to cause anaphylaxis—a severe reaction that can obstruct breathing and send the body into shock....

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Fragrance and Dye Allergies

Fragrance and Dye Allergies

Have you ever switched laundry detergent only to develop a red rash all over your body? You’re not alone. Food, cleaning products, and cosmetics are loaded with increasingly sophisticated chemical cocktails these days, and it’s not uncommon for people to react to...

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Will Moving to a Different Region Help my Allergies?

Will Moving to a Different Region Help my Allergies?

It’s summer, and that means moving season. Recent data from the U.S. Census Bureau showed that about 32 million people move per year, and the vast majority of those moves occur during peak season (May to September). Moves are driven by any number of reasons—including...

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